Vacation Opportunities (Update!)
i like pina coladas & getting lost in the rain.
Want to earn money and get a free trip to Hawaii? Social Spark is having a referral contest where the blogger to recruit the most bloggers get a trip to Hawaii. The prize includes airfare and 7 days accommodations. Sign up and then get your referral link and have fun!
(Sponsored Tweets is a side of Social Spark, not sure if they are doing a referral contest but you do get paid for referrals also.)
Travel Blogger:
Marriott (my fav hotel!) is looking for travel bloggers! Apply to become a Paradise Beach Blogger.
Looking for a few good travel bloggers...
From BlogFriendly PR-- I am currently looking for bloggers who write about travel and review hotels, theme parks, and restaurants to contribute to a new travel blog. I am looking for bloggers that would be dedicated to post new content. You will have an author's bio at the end of all posts you write as well as a button for your blog to show that you write for the blog. I am looking for 3-4 bloggers who are committed to growing this project. We will be a group that helps each other land travel blogging gigs, promote the blog, and share in advertising. Will pay per post (rates will start small and increase as the site value increases) Please email me with sample post and desired payment per post if you are interested. Thanks, Shasta kee
Stuff you guys sent me----
Deal-ecible Mommies: Flirty Apron Giveaway
Win $550 worth of awesomeness from State Farm.
The cutest set of Dessert plates giveaway !
Blog Hop:
The event is called Blog Bash and it is a 3 day event (June 22-24) where entrants can blog hop entering giveaways of all the blogs participating. Every blog will have a giveaway worth $100 or more. If blogs would like to participate they can email contact@familyapprove.
Blog Fun:
Every Monday night we party on UStream (live video chat) with baby expert Shari Criso (RN, CNM, IBCLC) on any and all mama/baby/pregnancy related topics (people can submit questions for her ahead of time). Every week we have a different sponsor with prizes too and at the end of a "season" we have 1 grand prize (last season was a $600 iCandy stroller... this season is a $700 Dutailier Glider). All people need to do is RSVP at my blog and show up ready to chat! Info here: http://babydickey.com/my
Disney Book: From 2Tired2Wired--Lisa Battista is the Author of Beyond the Attractions: A Guide to Walt Disney World with Preschoolers. She would love to target bloggers with preschoolers to review and giveaway her book. She gave me permission to share and I thought this might be a good fit for your opportunity list. Here’s Lisa’s contact info: lmbattista@beyondtheattraction www.BeyondTheAttractions.com www.Facebook.com/BeyondTheAttr www.Twitter.com/DisneyExplorer Media Kit Makin' : From Kelli Miller- I am now making professional media kits and quick sheets. Plus, I have Simply Stacie hosting a giveaway of one. My info: http://3boysandadog.com/ Interested? Email- momof3boys3702@ Weekly #Party: From Thrifty and Chic Mom- Genesis Today Twitter party uses the hashtag #LiveGive . I host the #LiveGive Twitter party every Monday at 10pm EST with new prizes and companies each week. Question from Me :) What is the best pet hair vacuum you own? I am looking towards the Dyson Animal PS- Sign up to participate with QuestionMoms |
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