Kensington Ci75m Wireless Optical Mouse White
regular price:
at Amazon, price:$54.99,Tax: $3.86 + Shipping: $6.78, Total $65.63
TODAY ONLY get it HERE for $12.98 ($7.99 + $4.99 shipping )
For those of you watching TV and Movies online a wireless mouse becomes
your new remote!
Attach your computer to a flat screen TV via the monitor cable, plug a
wireless USB mouse into a USB port on your computer and you can watch
free HDTV online, and not have to get up to play the next episode or movie! Yay!
No need to pay for cable, it's all online free and legal now!
All the channels you watched on Cable offer free programs online.
example: Free TV Shows to watch online at Comcast
Why a wireless mouse?
It hurts my knees to keep getting up to put on the next program...
OK I'm spoiled, always had a remote.
This is great, I can sit on the couch and play the next movie or
TV program.
I HATE commercials and won't pay to watch programs and then have to
sit through endless loud commercials.
A few days ago I found a great freebie that is still good.
If you have a debit card or bank card, you can get a
100% free month of movies and TV!
How to get it free:
Start the free trial HERE
Then ,in your account choose "do not upgrade".
I started my free trial with NO CREDIT card,
immediately set the "do not upgrade"
and now we are enjoying beautiful commercial free movies
and TV!
You also get unlimited free 2-day shipping at Amazon
with this free trial.
FREE (with trial) Movies and TV selections: HERE
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